Grafana Cloud
PRTG integration for Grafana OnCall
This integration is not available in OSS version
The PRTG integration for Grafana OnCall handles ticket events sent from PRTG webhooks. The integration provides grouping, auto-acknowledge and auto-resolve logic via customizable alert templates.
You must have the role of Admin to be able to create integrations in Grafana OnCall.
Configuring Grafana OnCall to Receive Alerts from PRTG
- In the Integrations tab, click + New integration.
- Select PRTG from the list of available integrations.
- Enter a name and description for the integration, click Create
- A new page will open with the integration details. Copy the OnCall Integration URL from HTTP Endpoint section.
Configuring PRTG to Send Alerts to Grafana OnCall
PRTG can use the script to send the alerts to Grafana OnCall. Please use the format below
Body Fields Format:
alert_uid [char][not required] - unique alert ID for grouping;
title [char][not required] - title;
image_url [char][not required] - url for image attached to alert;
state [char][not required] - could be "ok" or "alerting", helpful for auto-resolving;
link_to_upstream_details [char][not required] - link back to your monitoring system;
message [char][not required] - alert details;
ps1 script example:
# This script sends alerts from PRTG to Grafana OnCall
# PRTG Server
$PRTGServer = "localhost:8080"
$PRTGUsername = "oncall"
$PRTGPasshash = *****
#Directory for logging
$LogDirectory = "C:\temp\prtg-notifications-msteam.log"
#Acknowledgement Message for alerts ack'd via Teams
$ackmessage = "Problem has been acknowledged via OnCall."
# the acknowledgement URL
$ackURL = [string]::Format("{0}/api/acknowledgealarm.htm?id={1}&ackmsg={2}&username={3}&passhash={4}",
# Autoresolve an alert in OnCall
if($status -eq "Up")
{ $state = "ok" }
ElseIf($status -match "now: Up")
{ $state = "ok" }
ElseIf($status -match "Up (was:")
{ $state = "ok" }
{ $state = "alerting" }
$image_datetime = [datetime]::parse($datetime)
$sdate = $image_datetime.AddHours(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss")
$edate = $image_datetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss")
$image_url = "$PRTGServer/chart.png?type=graph&graphid=-1&avg=0&width=1000&height=400
$Body = @{
"alert_uid"="$sensorid $date";
"title"="$device $shortname $status at $datetime ";
} | ConvertTo-Json
{ Invoke-RestMethod -uri $url -Method Post -body $Body -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; exit 0; }
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
(Get-Date).ToString() +" - "+ $ErrorMessage | Out-File -FilePath $LogDirectory -Append
exit 2;
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Related resources from Grafana Labs
Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:
Getting started with the Grafana LGTM Stack
In this webinar, we’ll demo how to get started using the LGTM Stack: Loki for logs, Grafana for visualization, Tempo for traces, and Mimir for metrics.
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