Adaptive Metrics plugin
Adaptive Metrics’s recommended rules identify what metrics to aggregate based on usage within your Cloud environment.
The Adaptive Metrics plugin is available from Grafana Cloud Home > Administration > Cost management > Metrics > Adaptive Metrics. From the Overview tab and if there are recommended rules already applied, you will see the date and time when the recommended rules were last generated. To understand how recommended rules work, refer to Understand recommended rules for metrics aggregation.
From the Applied rules tab, you can see what rules are currently applied.
Get started
You can use the Adaptive Metrics plugin GUI or the Adaptive Metrics HTTP API to interact with recommended rules.
From the Recommended rules tab, review the most current recommended aggregation rules.
Decide how to reduce the cardinality of your metrics by reviewing the recommended rules.
Apply the rules.
From the Applied rules tab, view the complete list of applied rules.
Download the recommended aggregation rules that are in a JSON file:
Go to the Recommend rules tab.
On the right, click the download button.
Select either Download verbose recommendations or Download non-verbose recommendations.
Each file incorporates your currently applied rules, and will recommend keeping, updating, or removing them depending on your usage patterns and recommendations configuration.
Review the rules and make any changes.
Upload the JSON file to your Adaptive Metrics API endpoint
.For more information, see the Adaptive Metrics API.
Review and apply one recommended rule
For a given recommended rule, expand it to see Recommended rule information and Metric usage stats.
Select Apply recommendation.
No confirmation modal is displayed when you apply a rule from its expanded view.
Review and apply multiple recommended rules
Recommended aggregation rules are customized to your environment. Before you choose what aggregation rules to apply, review them from the Recommended rules tab. To the right, you can see when the recommended rules were last updated.
Narrow down the list of recommended rules:
In the Filter field, add a search term.
This can be the full metric name or something you would expect to appear in the name.
Expand a given rule to see its details.
Select each recommended rule that you would like to apply.
If you want to review the recommended rules you have selected before applying them, click Show selected recommendations. This is helpful when the selected rules span multiple pages.Click Apply selected recommendations.
A confirmation module is displayed that contains information about how many rules will be changed, and their affect on your total time series.
Review applied rules
To view aggregation rules that have already been applied, go to the Applied rules tab.
An available update for an applied rule means that the recommendations service has revised its recommendation for that rule since it last ran. For more information, see Time when recommendations for aggregations were last generated.
Apply recommended updates to rules
Go to the Applied rules tab.
Narrow down the list of recommended rules:
In the Filter field, add a search term.
This can be the full metric name or something you would expect to appear in the name.
Expand a given rule to see its details.
Apply all updates:
- Clear any selected metrics.
- Click Apply all updates.
To apply a subset of the available updates, select one or more rules, and apply their available updates.
Review and remove one applied rule
For a given applied rule, expand it to see Rule information and Metric usage stats.
Select Remove rule.
No confirmation modal is displayed when you remove a rule from its expanded view.
Review and remove multiple applied rules
Before you choose what aggregation rules to remove, review them from the Applied rules tab. To the right, you can see when the applied rules were last saved.
Narrow down the list of applied rules:
In the Filter field, add a search term.
This can be the full metric name or something you would expect to appear in the name.
Expand a given rule to see its details.
Select each applied rule that you would like to remove.
To review the applied rules that you have selected before removing them, click Show selected rules. This is helpful when the selected rules span multiple pages.Click Remove selected rules.
A confirmation module is displayed that contains information about how many rules will be removed.