DocumentationHelm charts
Grafana Labs Helm charts
Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes, and Helm charts are a collection of files and resources (think deployments or Secrets) that help create, install, modify, and upgrade applications in Kubernetes. Helm charts include the templates that you need to apply to your clusters, which saves you from manually configuring your software.
Grafana Labs supports many Helm charts for Grafana Labs open source projects and Grafana Enterprise products. Revisit this page for links to additional Helm chart documentation that is under active development.
Grafana Mimir Helm chart documentation
The mimir-distributed Helm chart for Grafana Mimir and Grafana Enterprise Metrics (GEM) lets you configure, install, and upgrade Grafana Mimir or Grafana Enterprise Metrics within a Kubernetes cluster.
Grafana Loki Helm chart documentation
The Grafana Loki Helm chart lets you configure, install, and upgrade Grafana Loki or Grafana Enterprise Logs (GEL) within a Kubernetes cluster.
Grafana Tempo Helm chart documentation
The tempo-distributed Helm chart for Grafana Tempo and Grafana Enterprise Traces (GET) lets you configure, install, and upgrade Grafana Tempo or Grafana Enterprise Traces within a Kubernetes cluster.